June 2021 Pastoral Message - From the desk of Rev. Dr. Reginald Broadnax, Pastor - Mt. Olive AME Zion Church

June 1, 2021

Greetings in the name of the Lord:

The President announced last week that about 50% of the country has now been vaccinated. Across the country, States are either relaxing or lifting mask mandates and other measures put in place to help stop the spread of COVID-19. And as Summer is approaching, the country is eager to “open up.” We are ready to put the last year and several months behind us and return to “normal” as soon as we can. However, while I acknowledge that this is a minority opinion, I do not believe we should move on so quickly. I believe that we should take time and lament.

To lament is to mourn and grieve. Mourning and grieving is part of the ritual of life (Ecc. 3:4). There is a book in the Bible dedicated to lamenting (Lamentations); and there are Psalms of lament (such as Ps. 80, 90 & 137). Lamenting is not just a life ritual but also a spiritual practice. It is a spiritual practice because the Bible includes lamenting as part of the worship of God.

In this country alone, almost 600,000 people have died from COVID-19. Each one of these persons were created in the image of God. These were our family, friends, and our neighbors. These were persons who in January of last year were full of joy; who had families and loved ones, but today are no longer with us. We cannot just move on and dismiss or forget that 600,000 people created in the image of God are no longer with us. We need to lament, grieve such a catastrophic loss of life. Also, as a country, we need to repent. We need to repent for allowing this virus to be considered and treated as if it was a “hoax” which cost the lives of hundreds of thousands. We need to repent of the policies that allowed this virus to run uncontrolled throughout the country for most of last year. Lord, in your mercy.

Yes, a majority of the country is now vaccinated, and the country is “opening up;” but let us not just move on. As we return to work and other routines, we should also lament. We lament by remembering and even grieving the 600,000 that have died. We lament by keeping in our prayers those families and loved ones who’s lives have been forever changed. We lament by making this your prayer:

Will you not revive us again, so that your people may rejoice in you?

Show us your steadfast love, O LORD, and grant us your salvation.

Let me hear what God the LORD will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his faithful, to those who turn to him in their hearts.

Surely his salvation is at hand for those who fear him, that his glory may dwell in our land. Psalm 85:6-9

As for Mt. Olive, a number of you have asked when we can return to “in-person” (that’s a pandemic term that will be with us for a while) services? I said previously that I would evaluate this during the Summer. A majority of us are now vaccinated (but not everyone and I’m encouraging everyone to be vaccinated) which is a major determination on when we can return. However, the decision is not solely mine. Bishop Monroe must approve any return to any of the churches in this Episcopal Area. So far, he has not approved opening our churches. We have our Institute in a couple of weeks and we’ll see if he addresses this concern then. And, when we do return, certain protocols must be followed in terms of cleaning and social distancing that must be followed. But for the next few weeks while we await notice from our Bishop, we will continue with the livestream.


Dr. Broadnax