1. The season of anticipation, expectation,
hope and celebration of the past, the present and future “comings” of Christ into the world.
2. As the church of believers, we come celebrating the babe born in Bethlehem year after year in our hearts and embodying the greatest gift of all; EMMANUEL-God with us
What are they? What purpose do they hold?
*Gifts are an outward showing of an inward expression
*A form of appreciation, love, honor, adoration and gratitude given to someone or something
God’s Gifts (“can’t beat God’s giving no matter how you try”)
The gift of His Word (Bible)- remember God would not write His Word on tablets but on every heart so that you may know Him for yourself
A. The Word tells us of God- The I Am that I Am
B. The Word tells of Jesus Christ- it (The Bible) tells who He is (Mark 1:11), it tells of His purpose (Matt. 20:28, Mark 2:17, Luke 19:10, John 1:17)
C. The Word guides us- Psalm 119:105
Does a lamp illuminate a large space? rather it lights a portion of the way a step at a time. The Bible (God) works in the same manner only giving us light day by day; “Morning by morning new mercies I see"
D. The Word comforts- Rom.8:18,28, Psalm 27:1,
I can do all things through Christ,
don’t worry about what you will eat
The Gift of Differentially
A. All can obtain spiritual gifts, but each gift is different according to God and your purpose in Him
B. Spiritually we are not robots, nor do we have the same functions
1Cor. 12:27-31
Psalm 139:14
The Gift of Reconciliation
1. What is reconciliation? – the re-establishing of a relationship; to restore harmony people
Rom. 5:11
2 Cor. 5:14-20
Eph. 2:11-16
1. What are your gifts? How can you be a better steward of your gifts?
2. Though we cannot repay God for His Gifts in what why can we show our love back to Him this Advent and Christmas Season?